Friday, November 30, 2007



三个课目都考好了,就剩这科了。。开书考的,摆名是个“ 难 ”,非常难的。。。。开书不过是什么?让我们学生没那么紧张,还是不过是lecturer觉得试卷真的太难,他们过意不去所以就用开书的方式来考好让他们觉得他们心安理得?真的事。。。不是每个人都可以在短短三个钟可以做一个我们须用几个星期的时间来完成的assignment..因为这次考试的方式跟assignment的方式太像了。。。。

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Truth is what?

Long time din blog lor....feel so tired currently,and tat's y i din post up any to my blog!
Haha.....whole semester almost finish juz left final exam(next week will be my exam)
Ha...think one day for me to rest..should be enough and start my revision for my final exam lor...

Truth is wat?
Truth is my grp spend for 1 semester in d project,even i skip tat Prof's class juz wan to do the project(dun wan sleep in his class actually).....but end up with?wat......juz a "toys" to him?ya,our project's outlook not so "geng" than another group(which prof oredy preset the result for them,even their not working well)T_T
Now i noe 1 thing frm this project,the important thing is the "outlook" of the product,internal not so important....,but who cares......!i won folo tis "trend" which practiced by this prof.

What i wan to say is:...i appreciate my good teammate, she really do well and as well other group which deal with "sewer rat","balista weapon"(sorry if spell wrong),"pet feeder" and our is "wheeled robot in maze"!Through whole semester i learn lots from dear course mate.

So.......truth now is coming soon lor...!next week will be my final exam!So...mus gambatae wo,to my course mates as well......!
To all my friend who having d exam soon,+oil wor...ho ho ho!

Saturday, October 13, 2007




几乎有几天晚上都是睡不着觉,可以用“ 失眠 ”来解说吗?!也不算是“ 失眠 ”,因为不至于到天亮都还没睡嘛。。打慨三四点都会睡的着了,累了就会睡咯!

还真的是忙辛苦的,每天早上都很难醒,有几天还睡迟了呢!结果没办法就得乘搭“ 十一号 ”巴士咯!

真的是很烦,感情。。。。这东西真的是难理解,如果要用数理来解说,只能说是一个非常难的“ 方程式 ”!

对着电脑几个钟,Quincy开着。。。。。整个晚上好像也没什么东西。。。。总觉得大都是听歌,下载,到了深夜就开始过这“ 颓废 ” 的生活!真的好害怕。。但也没什么行动,有是有,就一下子就停了,好害怕不知道时候会交得出Assignment咯!




Thursday, October 4, 2007


最近很常听到本人的xxxx'University的OPEN LAB总是很多人(某某社团的组织)。。。(多到不行!!)


这是好事嘛!我支持。。。xxxx'University 应多增设多类似的OpenLab..一共不时之需嘛!



总所周知...我的xxxx'University's 的 " 迷你 "图书馆 " 塞 "不了几家电脑的......当然OpenLab...是没办法的选择啦 ( 几乎每架电脑都"病入膏盲" --->Virus,Trojan,#@$#@%!),可是.......OpenLab还是被某个团体占据了!

其实占据嘛...不要紧,如果没用的话"Please,bring your thing away",别特地遗留在位子上(他们心想说上好课再回来咯...)90%是啦!要的话,就多还lab fee(我们每个Sem都还一样的Lab Fee喔)啦...那或许就可以比我们用那电脑久一点咯!

另本人不爽的是......别人到 OpenLab 里头做功课,你们真要呆在里头,识趣点嘛,"Please Keep Quite"!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Wah............ abt 430am,and is friday lor........

Wah...means tat the break almost gone......

Wah...wat i have did for this break le.......... come no study break tis time....

Wah...still got assignment,project,report....

Wah...if keep "Wah" again...,sTress le.........

Ok....Good morning...and i hav to go for bed liao....hehe!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


想想。。。今天的中秋我做了什么咯。。。还是跟之前一样的,没什么特别。。睡觉咯,差不多睡半天喔,原因着星期放假咯。。。。没上课!醒来一碗美极面(mee maggie cepat dimasak,sedap dimakan...),after enjoy 这美极,哇。。美极了,又继续睡。。。。。就这样我的整个下午给了“周公”(也没看到周公啦)。。。。

哈哈。。重点来了,今年的中秋。。。不是一个人过了,有个跟我一样'思'故乡的人(陈先生)载我到KFC用餐....用餐过程。。。我才懂什么是Kenducky Fried Chicken(KFC)...这个减称。。好废哦。。。还真的是‘废’。。至少学到新学问啦。。!

对了。。中秋嘛。。少不了。。。什么,就是它----〉moonbiscuit(月饼嘛),不知为什么人人都叫mooncake 呢?....(月糕),哈哈....肯定不好笑哦( 废哦 )...!ok...重点...我买了月饼.....!


Wednesday, September 5, 2007


哈!看事时侯又该 Update 我的部落格了!

只知道要写部落格前时脑海一直想着一大堆的复习,功课,PORJECT, etc......要做。。。。烦!烦!烦
最近不知道为何很烦咯。。或许那我学校的”波佛色.那金"(profesal nazim) 要我们做的PORJECT应该有所"颜色"吧!算了..不跟老的计较这么多......或许这也是对我的一种考验吧,毕竟我也在我的学校胡混了几年...也是时候做点"东西"出来吧........

好啦,看事时后做我的另一个PROJECT......下星期要 " expire "了!


*才发现我的华文部落格" 参 "了一些 " ABC "!!

Sunday, August 26, 2007





I think i have to use English to write..since take so long time to write few sentence!But never mind,at least this time i have type few sentence of 中文. Wish i will have more improve in typing in 中文!
Maybe from here,you people may think tat i only have English background or i am just start learning Chinese!Make it clear here, i am from Chinese background, since small kid, my parent already "throw" me in the Chinese school!Till secondary,don't what reason.....i was sent to government school, actually i want go for 独中 school .....But,but....even i was sent to government school(all BAHASA Term ),but i am not stop learning Chinese in secondary school! Because....i like Chinese!With Chinese....we can express our feeling by those beautiful Chinese word (owes talk University then meet the problem of express our feeling by English word)

What i want to talk about here is...even i have good foundation in Chinese(compare to English lar) but quite weak in term of typing in Chinese!Ha....i find tat lot of my friend very good in typing in Chinese( the one who introduce me in blogging), she has inspired me to use Chinese software to type the Chinese word in Blogger(quite a long time ago),due to some some reason....i have not try to type in Chinese! least, now you people can see me type in few Chinese sentence!I have improve.........i have improve!Just wish that i have this kind of thinking....keep my my best...try use Chinese blog!Of course come out with good thing to share with *部落格家族*!

Have a nice day to all of my friend *especially to those who read my blog!!

Monday, August 13, 2007

University:student's education or Money purpose come 1st??

This question have been follow me for quite a long time....since when i find some scenes in my XXX's university!I am not going to XXX's university since my XXX's university owes do lots and luxuriant promotion due to they have good marketing planner, so i will not going to talk about how good or how bad my university.

Here...just my opinion on how my XXX's university going to get the student money. i understand the course fee is quite expensive nowadays (acceptable)...but what for they keep asking student to take English course..again!For those who already take erm....Intensive english for 1 semester (approxiamtely RM3000++, *only 1 subject) understand why i say so!Suppose they asked to take this to "IMPROVE" their english in order to study well in Foundation, but the result is...almost people who pass that Intensive english still have to take another "extra" english course....when take the foundation (that subject is approxiamately rm1000++)!Most of the student feel doubt....!

I XXX"s university want earn more money....due to some financial problem(i guess........)!But d reason i ask from those language "expert" from language department!They say english is very important nowadays...bla bla bla......,and my question back to them....what is the different with the course for Rm3000++ "package" and the Rm1000++ package?For me is obvious.....sure expensive 1 will be better mar!!Those expert tel me....those student(from Intensive english class) need to take again...because their english not good hor....!Hei...come on....i dun understand why they say so......."If the expensive package can't improve their about the cheaper 1????if can..why initially.....those "expert" don offer cheaper 1.......!

Language does not mean can be IMPROVE within 1 semester or 2 semester.My opinion to those language "expert",learn the language from day to day....not just taking what course...then can improve!From here...the only thing i student nowadays in my XXX's university need to pay more extra and extra money in order to!Do those "expert" think that we are just student....?Our parent earn money very easily?Our family very rich??Oh.......i really......dunno how to say.........

This is just only 1 example which i seen in my XXX's university......!Still got lots......example!
Ok...stop here...write more....feel more angry...since it is early morning!

*XXX's university student: We are just a student, don't treat us as customer!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Similar cloth = Similar person!?

Yesterday afternoon (because now is 0054),seems say that is yesterday!Because we always mentioned that is 2day.....what have happen.OK..stop talking ab this....!Back to main point!

Yesterday afternoon, when i was in library...i encounter a person who wore a shirt which is 100% similar to my friend's one! At tat time,i shock...because my friend should be in Miri now,why appear at my place..wor!i was shocked...because i really think that is my friend plus.....our distance quite,it was not surprising that i recognize wrong person which has wearing a similar cloth like my friend 1!

When i was kids....if got wear a similar...shirt, would not feel what....!when...entering primary...always....see those classmates..which will wear a similar clothing....(uniform mar),till secondary school also!So...would not feel any uncomfortable(why same clothes) that time!

Nowadays....when heard friend say:"....hei,your clothes...seems like i ever see b4 ar"!Then have to be careful because...scare will meet some1 who wear a similar day when go around or well in University!But what to do.....?Alalalalalalalalaa......don't know what to write....liao!hehe.......that's all for 2day!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Hmm...even feel hot, but feel want to blog....but don't know blog what le!
Oh,try to post the song that i listen for whole afternoon which song by :游鸿明

Below is the lyric of the song:


*Ha...want to thank to one of my friend lawrence who download the song for me (me seldom find the song and download de)

Monday, August 6, 2007

First day.........for new sEMester!

As..usual,1st day of new semester...also like last few semester...nothing changes!But...tis time when step in to the school....Wah!!....lots kids face...with fashion fashion again........i admit that got some are leng loi lar........this time(most of them are foundation student),but every semester like this,can see only...because would not same class with them.Never mind, since i select my course last 2 years ago,i already know i will be in "monk class"....means almost guy in the most d lecturer also just hope fast fast finish d course..and fast fast graduate....and fast fast...find job with the workplace got lots of female....!

Let see....what is the funny thing today happen ya.......ha,in d class just now....,i heard from one of the classmates....joke with another 1(because he bought a new beg,i guess),and they say:"Get a new beg wor"....Tis seems funny since we are all university student.....,but tis make me think of my primary life....Wat we have did when the 1st day in primary school....,I am sure that.....they will keep talking about their new shoes,shirt,beg...bla bla bla.......!

Have to stop here....feel tiring 2day...even 2day dun really have homework since it is 1st day..!

The nite sTiLL Young!

Is about 0130, still surfing and least now is typing something.....!Wonder why others blogger can easily write lots of thing!Feel good after read their blog, and when come to my blog...Ouch,feel like kids' diary!

Anyway....thanks to the friend who keep encourage me to write a blog...!At least i can see whether my English is improved or not,i am sure got improved a bit a bit...!At least not like...the time when i was in secondary school,wrote a composition just like the tough task to me.I have idea to write that time...but when come to important part,due to vocab i always give up!Now,at least i can write whatever i want....Still need to study lots and some extra work in order to improve the level of my English!

Today will be my 1st day of new semester in XXXX University.Currently i am in Year 3 semester 6 in Robotic & Mechatronic .Tis is 1st time i mentioned what course i am taking now!Hope this new semester can have some changes,of course in good changes....Hope i will finish all the tutorial in time.Hope i will not disappoint my group member ( last semester....dun really do the group assignment work).....Dun just hope....Must!!!!!!!!!!!] ab 0200....because beside posting,i am chatting with friend(after chat with him,I do really want $%#$%#$% some of XXXX university staff)

Think have to prepare to sleep.....hope to see u people comment or what ever!!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Why i keep bLAMMing On myself?

Juz now ab 1am, he called me for help....and me juz rush to his place...juz try to see whether can give some help or not(even me not really good lar,coz long time din touch on those subject)!When reach there, juz ask ab wat mark did he get for last assignment(coz i hav help him some....),and he say very low....wahCao,i oso can't believe is very low....lar!Me can't really believe oso coz compare to others....(most are copied and still can get high mark compare to him, me oredi edited for him but yet get low mark)!He say he is no mood....,the moment he say he is no mood.......,my heart suddenly beating very fast....,i like feel tat i make some1 to get low mark.....even i try to help him!How come.......?Me dun really have mood at tat moment...even he din say wat ab me lar!But me juz think tat coz of me.....oh,tis feeling really unpleasant!!What shud i do.....?Dun care?Try to find some solution for him?Or.........haiz!hav to cont my revision liao......!!

Monday, June 4, 2007

How i am release my anger?

^The Anger^
* I use 6-8 hits,after 3 Hits from my housemates!

Juz now...i call and call..the agent(J...O....S...E....P...H Chu),the one with money face......., owes we think that is money face....!i really can't stand with his attitude liao...i juz wan to ask him to get a key......coz i accidentally locked me out of my room...,and plus me lotz of homework and there!Why i still writting blog...coz i really wan to show my anger.....!i really can't tahan...liao,i won break my door..if he will receive my call....but,wat shud i do...climb in??hard for me...coz me a bit fat...currently(sTreSS).....haha!dun care lar........This agent ar...we owes say he is money face....owes content in his conversation mus relate to money.....!ShiT lar....ask him to eat shiT.......lar!haiz...i will choose not to say those word...if he is Ok.....but he is really really not Ok........!ask him fix.....the window,about 3 years liao.....not ever do...(coz sometime got lotz of insect "visit" me),ok,i dun care....!currently our washing machine oso got pro.....ask him fix......ya,he ask ppl fix....!WaT......during late nite...hav to wake close d paip.....coZ........the thing....he fiXed ar.....still "RoSak"....2 times liao....!i really really wan to scold him liao....but wat to do....ppl with 40++ years old liao....,dun care lor.....Till juz now...i knock my door...i realize tat how i so angry ab him oredi....!ok....that's all for 2day...!Oops...think how to ask tat "money face" to fix the door for me hor!!Hehe

Thursday, May 24, 2007

ThinK of sTudY lor~ to start hor...actuatly wan to use the chinese,but got problem with installation of software which introduce by frenz, Or maybe me lazy to figure out how to use lar!Ha,ha,so hav to wait for a while then can c my chinese posting! is 2:08am, but yet still in front of pc....haha!Juz thinking hav to stuDy liao...coz i really feel wan to get good result le!Tis semester, my life really.........dunno how to describe,juz dun really put effort on study...coz busy with lotz of meaningless thing...!Till dun really think of study!Juz the timetable of final exam release,me still not yet get inspired...coz still long(release last few week ago de),dun care....coz still long!
Currently feel a bit nervous liao....coz the date of exam is nearer and nearer lor!And plus some of say something which inspire me a bit liao!Hav to stuDy.....,but hav to finish few assignment...1st!That's all for 2day!

*Hmm...seems quite bore if read my blog.....hor,anyway,any comment juz leave to me!

Monday, May 21, 2007

My 3rd time using blog?!

Ha...tis is the 3rd time use the blog to post my word!Seems i owes use the blogger till i have to create a new account!Tis ar......,dun dare to say why lar!Me seldom post my word de lar, coz when online....mus chat chat chat.....niah!Me like to chat de lar!Still remember 1st time i use the blog to post my word is through friendster,forget wat i hav post liao!2nd time is through one old frenz,but owes make her dissapointed,coz she ever taught me how to post up our word thru blog!But tis time dunno y,the blogging mood come back!Haha.......hav to tel me myself,mus frequently use blog wor!!